Recruiter Intro

Find rail talent for your business

Fast track the search for your perfect candidate Post a job

Matching rail talent with rail businesses.

Rail Recruiter is the go-to jobs board for all businesses working in, or supporting the rail industry. Get your recruitment on track when you advertise your jobs to our qualified audience of rail specialists. Grab extra attention with our job boost options.  

Plus, use advanced search and filtering tools to find your perfect match in our CV database. Quickly identify the most relevant candidates for your jobs from our rapidly growing network of active job seekers. Our candidate alert service is available to ensure that you don’t miss out on the latest rail industry talent.

 More about CV Search

Hiring solutions

Post a job advert

  • Advert is live for 30 days
  • Edit job details at any time
  • Applications sent direct to your inbox
  • FREE recruiter directory entry
  • New user offer 1 x job for £149. CALL US.

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Boost your advert

  • Featured job branding and home page listing
  • Inclusion in weekly jobs newsletter
  • Social media mentions
  • Refresh listing after 14 days
  • Promotion via Rail Business Daily
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CV Search

  • Unlimited CV database searches
  • Only pay when you buy a CV
  • Advanced searches
  • Set up candidate alerts
  • Use credits anytime within 12 months
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Call the team on 01924 665960 to talk about monthly recruiter packages.
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Recruiters we work with

Why you need Rail Recruiter

Rail Industry experts

We work exclusively in the rail sector, matching rail industry businesses with rail industry talent so you know you are only searching qualified candidates on a jobs board that is exclusive to the railway industry.

Cost-effective solutions

Accessible and affordable solutions to help businesses working in the rail sector find the talent they need to grow. A sector specialist recruitment service need not cost more. Talk to us about the right hiring solution for you.

Quick and straightforward

Whether posting a job, searching our extensive candidate library, or looking for information, tips and advice Rail Recruiter is designed to make your journey as efficient as possible.

Help when you need it

Our expert team are available to talk by email, telephone, or conference call. We are also very happy to arrange to meet you at a convenient time to discuss your longer term objectives. Just let us know when and how we can help to fill your jobs.

A brand you can trust

Rail Recruiter is part of the Business Daily Group of companies. We work closely with Rail Business Daily the sectors hugely popular and highly regarded media and news service - providing maximum exposure for your jobs.

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